SFH Annual Report 2023
Here you can download the St Francis’ Hospital Annual Report 2023.
St Francis’ Mission Hospital was founded in 1947 as an Anglican hospital. It is situated in Katete District in Eastern Province, on the Great East Road, 500km east of the capital Lusaka and 125km from the Malawi border. Although founded by the Anglican Church, the Anglican and Catholic Churches have jointly managed St Francis’ Hospital since 1986.
St Francis Hospital only receives limited funding from the Ministry of Health of Zambia, which results in shortages in nearly every area. However, with these limited resources and a very good reputation St Francis’ Hospital has to deal with an enormous workload.
Because of its good services people are willing to travel far.
Help St Francis’ Hospital to cope and support a project of your choosing. This hospital is your support more than worth. Donate now!
Dr Lalick Banda, Paediatrician & Medical Superintendent
Here you can download the St Francis’ Hospital Annual Report 2023.
During the last rainy season, Zambia has experienced extremely low rainfall, culminating in the worst drought the country has experienced since records began. The effects were most clearly observed in crop production: one million hectares of planted maize has been adversely affected across 84 of the 116 districts in Zambia Similarly, pasture availability has reduced […]
The Dutch Medical Support Group of St Francis’ Hospital has agreed to finance the total renovation of the Laboratory. This is a big project of an estimated 100.000 Euros, which is more expensive than the initial estimate, due to the considerably raised cost of materials. Fortunately, a long-standing partner of MSG, Wilde Ganzen Foundation (Wild […]
Mr Chungu B Mutale reports: The renovation of the Kizito surgical ward has successfully been completed and the patients have been moved back in the ward. The actual delivery period surpassed the initially proposed one. Some of the challenges that might have led to this are: (1) the countless stoppages during the roofing works as […]
Want to visit St Francis Hospital? Or offer volunteer services? You are more than welcome to stay at the Guest House of our newly built Training Center. St Francis Hospital is ideally situated on the way to Malawi or the Luangwa Game Park.
• Guests € 30,- per day, meals included.
• Volunteer student doctors doing electives € 35,- per day, meals included. Please download this information sheet before applying. Then contact Mr Fred Ntongwe: fred.ntongwe[at]yahoo.com (*replace the [at] in this email address by the usual @) or telephone. You may find the telephone number of Mr Ntongwe in the information sheet.
Volunteer doctors may offer their services to Dr Lalick Banda, Medical Superintendent, Private Bag 11, Katete, Zambia , stating their skills and intended length of stay.
Small groups of builders, carpenters, electricians willing to execute major maintenance jobs of hospital houses and buildings are also very welcome.
Student doctors and builders: please direct your request to Mr Fred Ntongwe.
To apply you can also use the contact form on this site.