Orthoses service at St Francis Hospital
SFH partner 500 Miles of Olivia Giles is still funding a small, low level P&O (prostheses and orthoses) service at St Francis’. See for more information her newsletter, that you may download here. This is housed into the new premises of the physiotherapy department, built at SFH in 2021 with the assistance of the Medical Support Group and Wild Geese of the Netherlands. The representative at SFH does not have the training, machines or materials to make prostheses or complex orthoses, but she can make simple ones. She is also building a register of people who need tase devices – currently standing at 171.
Do you want to support 500 miles in developing a full swing P&O service? Contact Olivia Giles at:
olivia[at]500miles.co.uk *
*the format of this email is written differently from what you are used to to protect Olivia from spam. Replace the [at] by @ and send your mail.
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