Great news! SFH upgraded to level 3

Hospitals in Zambia are divided into three main categories: District Hospitals (First Level Hospitals), General Hospitals (Provincial Hospitals or Second Level Hospitals) and Specialist Hospitals (Tertiary Referral Hospitals or Third Level Hospitals).
The Zambian Ministry of Health has by means of a letter dated 15 July 2022 granted the request submitted by the SFH Board for St Francis’ Hospital to be upgraded from a second level hospital to a Third Level Hospital (Specialist Hospital).
The HPCZ (Health Professions Council of Zambia) assessed the suitability of the upgrade. The hospital scored well except in the area of human resource.
To consolidate this upgrade to level 3 the Zambian Ministry of Health and the hospital management will work together to find the specialist staff required for the new level.
Congratulations to the hospital management are in order. This important step taken by the Ministry of Health is a recognition of all the hard work and excellent service St Francis’ has delivered over the years.

Read the letter of the Zambian Ministry of Health here.































SFH Annual Report 2021

Click on this news item to download the SFH Annual Report. See what the hospital has accomplished in 2021 – a joint effort of the board, the management and the staff. The hospital is very important to the local population, for regular health care and for whom Lusaka is too fat to travel for specialist care. The population shows its gratitude by giving on ‘Hospital Sunday’. Also the various foreigns donors are of the utmost importance.
With the help of all the hospital may be upgraded and receive more government support.