Ms Chaze Sibamba, Social Worker at St Francis’ Hospital reports:
“Katete is fine and the weather is getting cold now, with the change in weather there have been reports on national TV that the covid cases are also increasing. Our worry and fear is that a third wave is imminent which reportedly is more serious.
We are being reminded to sanitize and mask up all the time. As a country we received the Astra Zeneca vaccine.
Health workers are the first to be considered for vaccination.
As St Francis we were given about 1000 jabs which was meant to cater for the students as well as members of staff, but very few – only about 60 members of staff out of 600 – had volunteered to get the vaccine.
About 150 that got the vaccine were people that came in from the general public. With the students there was also a very low turn out; less than 80 got the jab.In Zambia many people have there own misconceptions concerning the future side effects associated with the covid vaccines and probably that may have contributed to the low turn out of people getting it.
Later on government decided that all the vaccines be withdrawn from the facilities and rather leave the exact numbers for those that got the first vaccination, which leaves us unsure whether in future the government will bring in other vaccines for people that never received. The strategy that they have put in place in your country for self test is a very good one, its a good way of quickly going into self quarantine and probably a hopeful solution in reducing the spread of covid.”