St Francis’ Hospital launches free fistula treatment
This is yet another important milestone in the provision of health services to the community and a demonstration of the confidence of Government and partners.
This is yet another important milestone in the provision of health services to the community and a demonstration of the confidence of Government and partners.
Dr. Paul Nearly, the cardiologist from Border Hospital in Scotland in the company of Lynn Fenn, the sonographer visited the hospital in February this year to offer on- site training in cardiac ultrasound to doctors working in internal medicine and staff from the Radiology departments.
The staff were drawn from St.Francis and Chipata Central Hospitals. The one week training was very beneficial to the staff from both hospitals and we hope it will improve the management of patients with cardiac problems.
“As of yesterday, we are on 48 confirmed cases of covid-19 (April 15). I can’t really say social distancing and other preventive measures are working but rather the grace of God. It is difficult to control peoples movement in an african community due to our culture. Nonetheless, the partial lockdown has been extended to a further 14days, and yes, the council in Lusaka and other well wishers have given out d-washers and hand sanitisers to marketers and are giving public education about prevention of spread of covid-19. In Katete, shop owners have taken up the responsibility for hand washing and buckets are all over the market place. Bars and churches are closed and restaurants are only selling takeaway.
St. Francis is doing vital checks in the shelter at the roundabout and having everyone who goes in and out of the hospital to wash hands at the entrance of the hospital. Operations from outside are also to detect any possible covid suspects before they gain entry into the hospital. Suspected cases would be taken to Chipata district hospital for further investigation and if any needs ICU service, they would be taken to Petauke general hospital but we have had no suspects at St. Francis and no positive case in the whole province as yet.
Regular care has still continued.
The health care workers screening for covid at the entrance and in OPD have masks and gloves as protective wear, and a social distance of a meter is encouraged, though it’s difficult to maintain. The ministry has advised for no visitor, and no bed side visits in the hospital to reduce social contact and this may start today.
Buses are still moving across big towns but every district through the council has been mandated to disinfect everyone who comes in the district. Bus owners regularly disinfect there buses before each long trip and at least every three hours for local buses. Every passenger boarding a bus is sanitized before entering the bus and carrying capacity has been reduced to sixty percent. The traffic officers and public health officers check long trip buses at the intercity to ensure compliance to rules.
Apart from Dr Joop Jansen, there is no other Dutch muzungu doctor. We still have Dr Tim and one from I am not sure where. We also have no muzungu medical students around here.
We continue to pray for God’s mercies to be upon us”.
The Friends of St Francis’ Hospital donated money to purchase PPE (personal protective equipment. Do you want to contribute? Make a donation to the Friends:
The Royal Bank of Scotland
Sort code: 16-25-24
Account Name: FOSFKCT
Account Number: 12100963
IBAN GB71 RBOS1625 2412 1009 63
Please indicate: Purchase PPE
St Francis Hospital partner MSG received the following message from Namushi Kalumbi, a nurse training in Malawi, supported by MSG.
“Good afternoon from Zambia